Welcome to The Beacon.  Creating Buy-in’s short newsletter designed to shine a light on the nuances of leadership and give a fresh perspective on how to move forward.

Hanlon's Razor

The mental model that can pull you out of a bad mental spiral: 

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” – Robert J Hanlon 

The take on this is people aren’t intentionally doing things to get under your skin. It’s rare someone has that much intentional malicious intent.

The Beacon Newsletter delivers quick and insightful updates about leadership every Monday!

Are You Above or Below The Line?

A very simple concept depicting where you are in terms of your conscious leadership.  Do you see opportunities as times of learning?  Or are you constantly struggling to make sure people see you’re right rather than finding whats right together under an umbrella of curiosity?


Something today’s “Media” content certainly touches on is Mindset.  No one has more of an in-depth look into the topic of Growth vs Fixed Mindset more than Carol Dweck’s book Mindset.

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If you're here, you love leadership

The Beacon Newsletter delivers quick and insightful updates about leadership every Monday!  Sign up and check your spam so you don’t miss it!