Who are you and what is this all about?

What is this?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a sports coach, regional manager, parent, owner of a business, a school teacher, or the head janitor.  At the end of the day, a group of people depend on you, plain and simple. There are people who watch what you do and model that behavior as an example to model themselves after.  Teams, squadrons, families, departments, rosters, you name it. What we’ve decided to do here is to create a resource that sheds some light on the things managers, coaches and leaders don’t see.  To highlight the intangible subtleties that occur time and time again which shifts a group’s way of thinking toward that of success, or that of failure.

My name is Nick Causa.  I’ve been managing and working with professional teams for 10+ years and have seen may ups and downs.  In order to become better at working with groups of people I dedicated my professional life to dive deep into the philosophies and minds of coaches of great teams, managers of great companies, and all scenarios where groups of people need to come together for the good of the group. 

It is my belief that with the right approach anyone can create buy-in.


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