
Latest Articles, Tips, and Insights

Plato's Cave

This small thought experiment can help you realize the power you wield when formulating your leadership vision…

When "When In Rome" Meant Survival

What brake lights, sitcom laugh tracks, and the distinction “New York Times Best Seller” have in common and how that will help you as a leader…

The Balcony and The Dancefloor

Whether in the trenches or up on the balcony, your vision needs to encompass both perspectives…

Commitment: Group Strength Through Group Struggle

What do frats, sororities, and the military have in common when it comes to loyalty and group bonds? 

The Golden Mean

Of the many topics Aristotle delved into, conduct, character and ethics speaks to what it is we should look to develop in the teams we’re leading.  Aristotle believed that true purpose was happiness and

The Weight of Loss

Who in this scenario has to ensure a quality job? A banker who sells stock for companies he has no personal investments in? Or a pilot flying passengers across the Atlantic?

Game plan

You're In Charge Now What?

This is the single best time to create buy-in.  Don’t miss this opportunity because you won’t get it back.

Get the team to fly together

Ganders, Geese, and Getting the Team to Care

Individual contributors are tough.  A lot of employees and teammates are out for themselves.  Here’s how to get them to fly together.

This word hurts buy-in

This One Word is Killing Your Team and Your Buy-in

…and you probably say it more than you think

Be the coach the team carries

Building Trust

Trust is the end all be all of leading a group of people.  If you don’t have it, you can pack your bags.

Ego will separate you from the group

Eradicating the Ego

An out of control ego will be the downfall of many a coach, leader or even an entire team.  Get yours under control before its too late.

Understand the teams code

Core Values: the Secret Code of the Group

What is it that the team values?  How do we find that out?  It is our job to guide those values towards group success.


Not Every Coach Wears a Whistle

You’re a coach whether you like it or not…

Priming and Delivering Empathetic Feedback

Proper feedback can either bolster or tear down your buy-in

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